Friday, April 16, 2010

The first 8 Eat-Clean Principles can change your life!

I wanted to share/review some clean eating principles. By clean eating I'm talking about God provided foods, non-man "enhanced" or processed.
1. Eat 5 to 6 small meals every day. This is the best way to provide fuel for your body. It takes a bit to get used to eating smaller meals! You're used to seeing a large plate that is full of food. I really like to use smaller plates/bowls, that way it still seems full!
2. Eat every 2-3 hours. This keeps your blood sugar levels stable. When your blood sugar levels drop you get too hungry & almost always eat more than your body needs.
3. Combine lean protein & complex carbs at every meal! They go together like spring & rain, Houston & humidity, and Utah & Mormons! They are the optimal combination so your belly gets the perfect fuel & the food gets digested the slowest possible, which is awesome! It gives you energy for longer periods of time & keeps you full.
4. Consume adequate healthy fats each day. Your body, especially your brain needs essential fats. Sources of healthy fats are: almonds, avocados, cashews, flax seed, hazelnut oil, olive oil, pecans, pumpkinseed oil, safflower oil, sunflower seeds, and walnuts. About 15% of your diet should come from healthy fats from fish, nuts, seeds & healthy oils. This works out to be about 25% of your daily calories. TIP - when reading nutrition labels remember the word "hydrogenated" means trans fat, so stay away!
5. Drink at least 2 liters or 8 cups of water each day. Many times when your brain sends a craving or a signal to eat, we are miss reading that signal. The body is really just needing water. When your belly is full of water you will eat far less each day & still feel wonderful satisfied!
6. Never miss a meal, especially breakfast!
7. Carry a cooler loaded w/Eat-Clean foods to get through the day. There are many stylish coolers nowadays that look like purses. I love to carry a cooler!
8. Avoid all over-processed, refined foods, especially white flour & sugar. You'll discover these foods often make you feel gross, unmotivated, moody, irritable, and lethargic shortly after eating them. And, may I mention they are addictive.
Love to hear your thoughts!


Amy said...

I love you and your advice! Can I steal this article? It totally needs to be spread around so people can be more educated when it comes to eating!!!

2 + 2+1 = 5 said..., here is my problem...

I don't over eat. I don't eat crap....I have had the same bag of sugar, for example, for over 2 years.

I hardly have treats in the house, hardly is like...once every 6 months...

Treats in this house are fruits...yummy, sweet, delicious. Those are okay for us.

Wanna know my problem....

I don't eat. I eat one meal a day...dinner....and it's a small meal too. I cannot make myself eat...this was a problem when I was trying to nurse the girls...

6 meals are too overwhelming...3 are overwhelming...

Now that I am 30...I have started to get nervous about this...maybe my metabolism is slowing...all thanks to not eating? Who knows...

I was 121 when I got pregnant, 123 after the girls...and now...I am 128...what is happening?

One of my doctor friends was outraged when I told him that I have not worked out, run, or done any sort of physical activity...since I was 18. When I told him I played professional level ball...he said that was the reason why I am not overweight nowadays....

Help, Coach Caryn?

Love Emma