Friday, June 18, 2010

My #1 rule for weight loss...

Loosing weight & excess fat is an exhilarating process! The first time you step on the scale and see a lower weight it produces such excitement that the happy dance is always done and your motivation & determinatio are strengthened! This cycle continues until, life happens! Life happens to everyone! Injury, illness, a vacation void of workouts & filled with high fat foods, visiting company & the loss of routines, emotional or financial hurdles that dry up your well of determination.

The most important rule for a healthier, happier life is to get back on the path! Time & time again life will happen. That's why we try to be healthy! We want to live longer to experience life in all it's glories, adventures, misfortunes, and relationships! When life happens or you make bad choices always, always, always get back as quickly as you can.

I have not recorded the number of times I've backtracked or been sidetracked in my two year weight loss adventure. The one thing I always tell myself, "Well, at least I never give up!" The fight is worth fighting, Friends! No matter what happens, or how long it happens, get back up! How do you get back up?

I keep fitness magazines in my home so I can stumble across them and absorb their energy! What is more motivating than reading an excellent article or seeing a beautifully scuplted athlete?! I post quotes around my fridge that inspire me & help direct me to better things than eating when I'm bored. I never buy bigger clothes. If I'm starting to gain weight & my pants get tight I know choices are to get back on track or to suffer the concequences because I am NOT buying a size I just worked so hard to get out of! Set your eye on an adventure like a mini triathalon, 5K, hike, etc. There are so many wonderful adventures out there to get in shape for! Live life & let it inspire you to being active! Remember, life happens. Your job is to get back on track!

"Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th." - Julie Andrews


Maghann said...

So true! I know when I plateau I want to scream and go out and eat ice cream! Thankfully, I have this part of me that refuses to just give up, so when I fall I make myself get back up! It far outweighs the alternative of being lazy, out of shape and sick with unhealthy eating habits.

An Ordinary Mom said...

Excellent advice! And just out of curiosity, how long did it take you to get to the size you are now (I am assuming you are just maintaining right now)? I know you said it has been 2 years, but how long did it take to see the bulk of the weight come off? Just curious how many plateaus you hit during the journey. Thanks :) !!