Tuesday, February 16, 2010

P90X... where's the music?!

Three weeks of P90X w/Tony Horton & I sit here in the recovery week, week 4. Today as I was attempting core synergistics I had the thought, "where is the music?!" Music is one of the aspects of working out that I look forward to. When I push play on a Turbo Jam dvd or hit Turbo Kick at my gym, I don't have the mental tug of war that can otherwise begin. "What should I do today? Do I really feel like jumping around? Maybe instead I should do the laundry & I can workout later." See the picture? Instead, there is blissful silence in my mind & enthusiasm in my feet. The music takes me to a happier place & I'm in heaven! In Chalene's AMAZING resistance program, ChaLean Extreme, the music fits very well w/the speed of our repetitions. LOVE it!

Well, Tony does has some back ground music, but nothing inspiring. I remind myself, this is Tony NOT the lovely Chalene! Chalene & I are like musical sisters! She understands the power & motivation attached to amazing music! P90X is fantastic & I am loving the challenge! If I could meet Tony today I'd say, "Dude, where's the music?!"


Maghann said...

the music is quite lame-o. i thought that myself. i've tried to put my ipod in...but sometimes it doesn't work with the jumping around and what not. sucky, eh?

joyous said...

Amen! Chalene does a great job with the music in her workouts. I think I'm just about ready for "Extreme". Probably another month or so, but I'm getting excited!