Saturday, June 5, 2010

What is the Bodybugg?

This is a fantastic time to be alive and on the quest for weight loss! If your goal is weight loss you've probably read or heard enough to know that cabbage & water is not the effective trick to try. You may also have learned that counting the calories you eat can be a powerful instrument in your weight loss tool belt. Here's a quick review of facts.

Calories is another word for energy. We eat to fuel our bodies. When we consume more fuel than our bodies can use that extra fuel is kept in a fat reserve. That fat reserve was helpful to cavemen & nomads who couldn't foresee with certainty when their next meal would be. The way to rid your frame of this extra burden is to consume less calories than your body uses, which allows your body to use the stored fat for the extra energy it needs. Those are the facts.

Apex has designed the Bodybugg to help weight loss participants gain a better estimate of how many calories their body is using. Through many different sensors it estimates how many calories you are burning. By wearing the bugg & keeping a food journal you can easily make sure your calories expended & calories consumed stay within the desired ratio.

My six month experience with the Bodybugg was a great personal education. I am a fitness instructor by trade. I love to workout as hard as I can, even though I wasn't always that type of dedicated exercise enthusiasts. I lost 45 pounds with the help of a life changing company called, Beachbody. This process brought with it the realization that we are all capable of experiencing our own physical transformation! We truly can achieve weight loss & realize our fitness goals! Since fitness has become my passion & profession my goal is to achieve the physique that is a singing business card, to surpass average and become unique. The bugg was intended to aid my progress.

The Beachbody trainer I love, adore, and aspire to emulate is the lovely & unique Chalene Johnson! Her review of the bodybugg was so exciting I got online, credit card in hand, and went shopping! I waited in the front window, nosed pressed against the glass, straining my ears for the deep rumble of the delivery truck. I met him at the mailbox, ripped open the package, flew through the easy set up, and was off to count my calories. The bugg includes 6 months free of the online subscription. You simply plug the bugg into your PC, log on to the bugg website, and suddenly you have access to personal graphs, reports, meal plans, fitness plans, etc. It's a beautiful masterpiece of individualize information. Like my own, personal fitness & nutrition Bible! How could success not be realized with such a tool?!

The next six months were filled with unrealized goals, mounting frustration & panic, and a personal realization. I was not in the correct frame of mind to count calories. I could tell I was reaching that unhealthy obsession with the numbers. I knew my problem was emotional eating and until I solved that equation the bodybugg was helpless to help me. I carefully boxed it & sold it on ebay. The bodybugg is an innovative tool & has helped thousands, but it wasn't a weight loss tool that fit with my unique situation.

My present hurdle of emotion eating is the most common problem weight loss hopefuls encounter. Look forward to future posts on that! There definitely are tools to help us happily clear that hurdle! With emotional eating counting calories was ineffective. I have since adopted Tosca Reno's opinion that focusing on appropriate portion sizes is the way to fuel my body. I'm happy to report I am healthier, both physically & mentally with this practice.

Thank you for reading! Your weight loss quest is a fabulous puzzle with the pieces strewn across the living room! You walk through the process picking up different tools that work for you and discarding ones that don't. There is joy in putting the puzzle together, not just in admiring the finished masterpiece! Feel that hope and keep your thoughts positive!


kourtney chorman said...

haha im the first comment, this is good, im working out agian, and im trying to loose the weight. Now I am on my own what would you consider good meals to buy?

An Ordinary Mom said...

Thanks for the real life review :) !! Love your motivation and inspiration. Keep it coming!

Caryn said...

Kourtney, Good morning my Love!! I definitely have some suggestions of meals to do while you're on your own! 1st question... what is your living arrangement like at school? Will you be doing your own food prep, for the sake of healthy eating I hope so! It is SO easy to eat healthy, quick meals! The key to success is in being prepared & packing a cooler! What I do is bake 3 or 4 small sweet potatoes & 6 chicken breast at a time. Then I put them in individual tupperwares in my fridge. That is a perfect meal because you have your lean protein & great complex carb! Be sure to eat the skins! My favorite seasoning is that 1 we used on the trek... Tony Chateres (sp?) It comes is a great seasoning container! So good! I sprinkle that on my chicken before I bake it.

Another quick thing to do is to brown extra lean ground beef or turkey. Brown 1 lb at a time & keep it in the fridge. In the morning you can put it in a tortilla w/fat free cheese (great source of protein) and salsa & you've got breakfast on the go!

Hard boiled egg whites are a great protein source for on the go, too. Those veggies & fruits are ready to eat anytime! They have coolers that are small & will fit in your bag, or cute like a purse. Pack your food in there & you'll be ready to eat no matter where you are. Most buildings on campus' have a small lounge w/a microwave.

More ideas: cottage cheese w/cut up strawberries, baked lean turkey breast w/sauted colored peppers, tuna (excellent source of protein) on whole grain bread w/a dab of low fat mayo.

The key is when you bake something bake many & put it in fridge or freezer. I make bran muffins & put em in sandwich ziplock bags & keep them in the freezer. When I need breakfast fast I grab 1 & shake protein powder w/almond milk. Excellent & easy!

Let me know what your school eating situation is going to be & I'll give you more ideas! Great question, girl! And remember, smaller meals every 3 hours. It's the way to stay fueled & not get too hungry so you over eat when you do eat.
I love you!